Diary of artistic activities
Adsea La Haute Bercelle
The artistic activities proceeded within the institution, in a room which is used as place of life. This allowed to lot of girls little motivated at the beginning, to take progressively interest in the artistic activity.
September, October
Startup of the activity. Few girls are present. The technique approached is the drawing. Several meetings will be necessary to carry out succeeded productions. Work with the pencil, the charcoal and the black lead, on the concept of volume
December, January
Sensitizing to painting. Work on the concept of «range» and superposition on supports out of paperboards, paper and on fabric. Work on the transparencies. The request of the young people grown, and several training courses take place in the studios.
February, March
discovery of watercolour:
Sensitizing to water painting with a fast and spontaneous technique.
Work on the various values, contrasts and the concept of light.
Body work with stilts. we play with the concept of balance and we have fun! And well on, we go on to explore the various techniques of paintings which were approached previously.
painting on glass in small committee. The results are developing and requests from girls become important.
May, June
Painting according to nature. The walks through the park of Fontainebleau become subjects of observations and explorations, and relaxation in period of exams.