Dinner is Ready (DIR)
This project “Dinner is Ready (DIR)” has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, Fundación Belén, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
DIR on Family Cooking Experiences /
/Teenagers letters about «My best Family Dinner»
Ideas for a booklet on «Family Communication»
The hundreds of queries received by Fundacion Belen along the last five years had a common problem around : lack of personal communication tools within the family and the schools. They come from many different countries across the world. As the lack of personal communication skill is so quite common problem in the family wherever they are from, the implementation solution DIR project will address , must be tackled from different transnational points of view.
FB came in contact with old European partners to face the problem and share sollutions and we made it¡
«Dinner is Ready» is now online on the Erasmus+ Project Results Platform
DIR has the objective to develop a most relevant personal skill,communicational skills, in mothers of problematic children in order to foster their personal development, as well as to improve their participation in family, civic and social life; and will try to develop this skill through the experience of a cultural competence: the art of cooking together.
DIR in the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018 wants to enhance the different European richness through recipes of traditional cooking, raising awareness of the importance of Europe’s cultural heritage.
DIR as a project under a Strategic Partnerships supporting exchange of good practices has the primary goal of developing and reinforcing the created network under a previous European Project to develop new learning strategies. DIR will increase the partnership capacity to operate at transnational level, share and confront ideas, practices and methods.
DIR aims to contribute to social inclusion through improving personal communication tools.
DIR will Identify through an enquiry the great need and the best ways for academic training for low squilled families with teenagers uncommunicated.
On our firt meeting in Madrid we ask partners:
«In view of our coming meeting in Madrid, 25th – 26th October 2018 it would be convenient that we all start working on the following three points:
- Bring five typical local dishes: name, recipe, is it a seasonal recipe? Or a regional recipe? etc…
- Think of three important meals in your personal life to share in which communication has played a key role
- Attached you will find the questionnaire that we have prepared, please read it and bring any comments or questions to add/delete or amend accordingly so that we can agree a final version»
We did it¡
After the KickOff meeting we decided the questionnaire and still you can compille the enquiry https://goo.gl/forms/kdRtv54BqoOyyoAL2
DIR has found 6 senior volunteers who have received some workshops on how to become personal coaches for those mothers who have uncommunicated teenagers with or without behavioural problems and have teached them some communicational skills through cooking together experiences. These experiences have been amusing, moments of hearty collaboration, of laughing together while preparing dinner.
Senior Volonteers training materials