Menú Desde 1996 información y formación gratuitas para familias con hijos con problemas

DIR on Family Cooking

During the Madrid kick off meetingthe partners agree to search between their national cuisine the three most popular recipes and the most suitable for introducing children into the art of cooking.

Once each partner had selected the three national dishes, they have to teach each other the recipes during the next meetings. So we did:

FB selected for Spain: Paella; Albondigas; Estofado de lentejas

Minster selected for UK: Yorkshire Puddings; Lancashire Hot Pot; Faggots and peas

ARVAR selected for Rumania: Apple pie; Chocolate cake; Sermale

NALMA selected for Lithuania: Meat balls; Fruit salad; Lithuanian soup

And we found that the four partners have selected over their own “national countries cooking recipes” a very popular one for family dinners: “Meet Balls”, although in each country it has different name.

 But the national recipe in each country has a quite different flavour, although they have in common the basic ingredient: minced meat. A remarkable European identity markka.

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